Monday, April 24, 2006

All that you can't leave behind

Charlie and I are off to the MIL's tomorrow. HS is joining us at the end of the week for a family friend's 90th birthday party. My MIL is making nine birthday cakes, one for each decade, so I am totally psyched about going. (Just an aside, I never used to care about sugary snacks, but I've found that since I had Charlie, I crave sweets. I was always a salt/grease kind of girl, but I found that while I was breastfeeding, the only thing I wanted was SUGAR. Specifically, my mom's awesome ginger snaps. She gave me the recipe, and I've tried to make them, but it's just not the same.) And my MIL agreed to take Charlie overnight so I can make a quick trip to Toronto to go out with my friends. Because I do have friends! Just not where I currently live. I am leaving for Toronto on Wednesday morning and coming back on Thursday afternoon, and here's what I would like to accomplish:

1. Colour hair.
I have yet to find a decent colourist in Ottawa. So JF (who is a make-up artist and knows these things) recommended a guy. Let's hope he understands what "I'd like to stay as close to my natural hair colour as possible means." My natural hair colour is dark brown. When I said that to a colourist in Ottawa, she gave me bright blonde highlights. They were verging on orange, it was that bad. Luckily they've faded somewhat. And if the June Plan goes ahead, then I'm gonna need something to cover the grays for at least three months. Hey, there's something else about me: I'm going gray. Seriously gray, and I blame my dad. He went silver at 22 for crying out loud.

2. Get a hair cut.
Done! I have an appointment on Thursday.

3. Pick up new bras at GapBody.
Why did it take so long for me to figure out that you only need flesh-tone bras? I really could have used that advice many years ago! The Gap makes a lovely, lightly padded (so key nowadays) plain bra in the perfect shade of nude. Gotta stock up!

4. Get a jerk chicken sandwich at Food Savvy.
So, so yummy. And the eggplant sandwich is delish too.

5. And some butter chicken and naan bread from Rasoee.

6. And while we're at it, how about a chocolate croissant from Bonjour Brioche?

7. And definitely some proper bubble tea. You can't find good bubble tea in my 'hood.

8. Meet former colleague for breakfast.

9. Drop by H&M. Mommy needs some new clothes. Oh, and Charlie could use some shirts too.

10. Hit Carrot Common for some organic baby bodywash and bubble bath. The parabens in my bubble bath are giving me the heebie-jeebies.

11. Oh, and while I'm at Carrot Common, drop by Erietta, just to take a look.

12. And I really want to see what's new at Hardware, Kol Kid, and Bergstrom.

13. Maybe someone from book club is free for coffee?

14. Or my friends from work might be available for lunch?

15. Or I could squeeze in a drink with JF, AW, DW, KB, or KH before my event on Wednesday night?


I miss Toronto.


scarbie doll said...

Hey I think you should add meeting me and Nate for a playdate on your virtual visit.

Yeah, Ottawa is cute and all, but it's small. You can only do the Market so many times. We thought about moving there once, but then reality kicked in -- it would only be fun for a bit and then the novelty would wear off. You can't beat it for raising children though.

niks said...

Very true, Ottawa is awesome for raising kids. But it's so hard being so far from friends and family, and I'm thinking that might win out over location.

Gabriella said...

Got here thru Martinis for Milk, I too am debating on the dilemna of one or two kids...right now leaning towards just the one. Have fun in T.O...